Our Values

Excellence – The quality of being outstanding or extremely good. The standard of which the Scone Race Club is aiming to achieve. We will endeavour to invest and excel in all aspects of our clubs operations, while looking to value add to our industry, its supporters, and the Upper Hunter community as a whole.

Heritage – Special or Valued objects or qualities that have been passed down from previous generations. The Scone Race Club sits proudly amongst the finest thoroughbred nursery in Australia. These nurseries have been the corner stone in the formation and continued strength of our race club since 1944. Qualities required to reach such a level of admiration and success over many decades in the breeding industry, are now entrenched in the history of the Scone Race Club, and form all values by which we stand for into the future.

Innovation – Turning an idea into a solution that adds value from a customer or stakeholders perspective. What may have helped an organization be successful in the past could potentially be the cause of their failure in the future. Companies need to adapt and evolve to meet the everchanging needs of their constituents. Although the Scone Race Club is steeped in tradition and has created a brand around this, the club is always looking at the future, and ways that we can operate or invent at a higher level, to remain viable and attractive to our supporters and industry participants.

Esteem – Respect and Admiration. The Scone Race Club will always endeavour to maintain the esteem the club has earnt over many years amongst industry Stakeholders, Patrons, and the Scone community. Respect and admiration received from participants, customers, sponsors, and peers, is the ultimate accolade for which we all strive to attain.